SAM Cases

Flight Cases

Briefcase Style Cases

When ease of use and simplicity is a key requirement for your relatively lightweight equipment, along with hassle-free transport and manoeuvrability, a Briefcase Style Flight Case from SAM Cases is most probably going to be your solution of choice.

briefcase flight case

Effectively a heavier duty, fully customised and ultra-protective derivative of a regular briefcase, this style of case tends to be used for smaller components or equipment that require quick, easy access to whilst on the move. Manufactured from a combination of extruded aluminium, plastic astroboard and 7-10mm thick wooden panelling, SAM Cases solutions are constructed from optimum materials to meet the most strenuous of expectations, whilst providing a fantastic weight to protection ratio when you're out on your travels.

Whether you are using this style of case for handheld tools, medical/healthcare equipment, portable electronics, product samples and POS materials, Briefcase Style Cases can be manufactured to meet your exact aims and objectives, whatever sector you may be involved within.

Typical features that can be incorporated into a Briefcase Style Case includes aspects such as:

  • Hinged lid closure
  • Catches for front closure mechanism
  • Handles as requested
  • Custom/bespoke foam

What's best suited for Briefcase Style Flight Cases?

Due to the versatility provided by custom foam and other forms of divider systems, Briefcase Style Cases have endless possibilities in terms of their applications that is only restricted by sizing. If your equipment is heavier and not something you would want to casually carry out and about, an alternative solution is most probably for you.

Industries that have taken advantage of Briefcase Style Cases include:

  • Sales and Marketing
  • Point of Sale
  • Portable Electronics
  • Medical
  • Instrumentation, and many more.

"SAM Cases have been experts in the field of designing, manufacturing, and providing services for its customers for over 25 years. Their knowledge, experience and versatile capabilities make them the UK's leading custom/bespoke manufacturer of Flight Cases."

If you require a fully custom solution, get in touch today.

Why choose us for Flight Cases?

flight case components

Premium Quality Components

We manufacture using the best quality components available.

bespoke flight cases

Fully Bespoke Design Service

Solutions can be fully customised to suit your requirements.

flight case experts

Manufactured by Experts

Over 25 years knowledge of the design/manufacturing process.

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Why not share your requirements with us by completing our quote request form.